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Trauma’s Impact on Our Ability to Trust and Build Intimate Connections

Writer's picture: Melissa MooreMelissa Moore

trauma, relationships

I want to speak on how trauma impacts our ability to trust, and form meaningful relationships.

Traumatic experiences can have a huge impact on these areas. Those who have gone through traumatic events often find it difficult to form relationships, and they may struggle with trust issues.

This is especially true for those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Trust and intimacy are two of many different important aspects of any relationship, and those who have experienced trauma may find it difficult to open up and be vulnerable in their relationships.

People with PTSD often struggle to open up and share their feelings.

They may also struggle with feelings of guilt or shame that can prevent them from forming meaningful connections — which can be especially challenging for those who are looking for or are in new romantic relationships.

Building trust and intimacy requires both parties to feel safe in the relationship.

Those with PTSD may find it difficult to let go of their fear of being hurt again or feeling vulnerable.

Trauma can have a lasting and profound effect on our self-esteem, and our relationships.

  • It can make us feel unworthy or undeserving of love, leaving us feeling isolated and alone.

  • It can also lead to feelings of insecurity, fear, and mistrust in relationships.

  • It can cause us to struggle with trusting others, set clear limits, and ask for help when we need it.

The psychological and emotional pain of trauma can manifest itself in feelings of low self-esteem, difficulty maintaining relationships, or even fear of the future. Trauma can make it difficult to establish healthy boundaries in relationships and build a strong support system that helps us heal. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed and isolated, which can further complicate the healing process. And it’s hard to create healthy boundaries in relationships when we are struggling with the effects of trauma.

This is why it's import to understand how trauma impacts relationships, so you can work towards rebuilding trust in yourself and others. It can be difficult to cope with the aftermath of a traumatic event, and to add insult to injury, one must also develop coping strategies to help us heal from the trauma we have experienced.

This may include seeking professional help or engaging in activities that can help bring emotional healing.

In order to reestablish healthy intimacy after trauma, individuals must work to rebuild trust and repair their relationships. This process requires patience, understanding and empathy from both parties as they learn how to communicate effectively while building intimacy.

Many survivors of trauma struggle to make sense of their experiences --- which makes it hard to open up to loved ones. If you desire to rebuild healthy intimacy bonds, it is important to understand the impact that trauma has had and take steps towards healing.

Taking the time to create boundaries and discuss expectations can help ensure that both partners feel safe and respected in the relationship. Additionally, having an open dialogue about topics such as consent, respect, and trust can create a foundation of security on which the relationship can build. It can be difficult to know where to start, but be honest with yourself and others about what you need, communicate openly and respectfully, listen carefully to understand another person's point of view, and respect the decisions of those involved. If you do this, you are on the path to build more meaningful connections with those you care about.

There are many resources available to help you find the right therapist or support group for your needs, including online directories, referrals from friends and family, and mental health professionals. With the right support system in place, trauma survivors can begin their journey of recovery and healing.

Interested in a healing group for trauma survivors and relationships?? Coming soon in the fall!!!


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